The Unity Prayer
Explanation of the Unity Prayer
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The Unity Prayer Booklet
To become Intimately united
to Jesus
edited by:
The Flame of Love
of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Postal Station Jacques-Cartier, PO Box 21111
Longueuil (Quebec) Canada J4J 5J4
First edition :
April 18, 2022
41 pages Booklet
Available on the Online Store
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This booklet contains various messages from the Spiritual Diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann, in which Jesus often quotes excerpts from the Unity Prayer He revealed to her on May 4, 1962.
The main purpose of this booklet is to show the reader that this prayer—which is also very effective in blinding Satan—has a prominent place in the Spiritual Diary.
Jesus leads Elizabeth to deepen the words of His prayer. He also desires it for us, so that we may become ONE with Him, Body of Christ.
With the Unity Prayer and the details contained in these messages, we can come to understand spiritually and physically what the Eucharist is: “Body of Christ.”
The Flame of Love
of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
"The Virgin Mary obtained from the Eternal Father an overflow of graces by the merits of the Wounds of her Divine Son to save souls. This overflow of graces is called the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”
(Words of Father Gabriel Róna, on November 13, 2004, in Montreal)
The Unity Prayer and the petition that the Virgin Mary asked to add to the Ave Maria "Spread the effect of grace of your Flame of Love over all of humanity", are two instruments in our hands to participate in the blinding of Satan.
Marcel Dufour
National Coordinator
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Praised be Jesus Christ now and forever for His endless love for us that desires such intimate union as He expresses in the Unity Prayer. From the infinite joy of Heaven, He humbled Himself to share in our humanity that we might partake of His divinity.
It is impossible to overstate the importance of the Unity Prayer. Not only does it express the final result of the effect of grace of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, not only is it at the heart of the Flame of Love Movement, it is at the heart of Christianity. For we are not Christians because we follow the teachings of Jesus nor because we follow His example; we are Christians because Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit received at baptism, literally lives in us - we are u
nited to His very being by the effect of grace. The Unity Prayer expresses what Christianity is.
However, it is very easy to misunderstand this profound prayer. We may first think of it as a "You and me, Jesus" prayer. "Jesus, come walk with me." "Jesus, be in my thoughts." "Jesus, accompany me throughout the day." But that is not it at all. It is not a prayer of asking Jesus to enter our lives; it is Jesus' prayer asking us to enter His life. May our feet journey not to our happy place but to Calvary. May our hands gather not for ourselves but gather souls. May our lips pray for mercy not for ourselves but for others. It is Jesus inviting us to enter into His ongoing life of self-sacrificing love in every moment of our lives. Are you ready to say, "yes!"
Many thanks to Marcel Dufour for gathering all the sections of the Diary where Jesus clarifies the meaning of the Unity Prayer so we may see in His words the depth and intensity of the invitation He extends to us.
May this prayer be how our Lord and Savior describes our lives when we stand before Him in judgment. May He and others see us as one with Him.
John Sullivan III
Director of Communications and International Dissemination
Flame of Love Movement USA
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May 4, 1962
Jesus – “My little Carmelite, you have accepted all the sacrifices that I have asked for lately. Perhaps you are surprised, but I must thank you. Do you see how your Master is so condescending? Yet, I will go still further. Unite your sufferings totally with Mine. Then your merits will grow greatly and they will move My redemptive work ahead. Keep this great grace you received from Me in the depth of your soul. It is a special gift of God. He honors you, poor little soul. Can He give you anything more sublime? Learn from Me. I chose you because you are small and miserable. Never tire of suffering for Me. With the help of My grace, dedicate yourself even more.”
Elizabeth – Then the sweet Redeemer asked me to pray with Him the prayer that expresses His deepest desires:
“May our feet journey together
May our hands gather in unity
May our hearts beat in unison
May our souls be in harmony
May our thoughts be as one
May our ears listen to the silence together
May our glances profoundly penetrate each other
May our lips pray together
to gain mercy from the Eternal Father”
Elizabeth – I made this prayer completely mine. The Lord meditated on it many times with me, asserting that these are His eternal longings. He taught me this prayer, so I would in turn teach it to others. With all our strength and mind, let us make our own His eternal thoughts and burning desires.
Afterward, the Savior added this:
Jesus – “This prayer is an instrument in your hands. By collaborating with Me, Satan will be blinded by it; and because of his blindness, souls will not be led into sin.”
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The Gift Of Silence
August 16, 1962
Elizabeth – On another occasion, the Lord instructed me.
Jesus – “Remain silent, My little Carmelite. Do not be surprised if I say this often. Do you know who is truly wise? The one who says very little. True wisdom matures in the soil of silence, and only in silence can it take root. I am your Master and I instruct you. I prepared Myself for three years of activity by thirty years of silence. Being your Master, and united with Me, you will also find wisdom. Speak only when I give you the signal, expressing yourself only in the way you have learned from Me, or in the manner I would say it Myself. In a word, imitate Me. You will see that just a few words can produce good abundant fruits in souls.”
Suffer With Me
September 15, 1962
Elizabeth – One day, on my way to be with the Lord Jesus, I did not intend to stay a long time because I was very tired. I recited my office and I wanted to take leave of Him. He asked me:
Jesus – “Why are you leaving so quickly? Is there anything more important for you than I? Perhaps your knees hurt. Think of Me when I fell on My knees, nevertheless I did not abandon the Way of the Cross. Remain with Me. Do you not see how lonely I am? Do you have nothing to say to Me? This also has no importance. Listen to the silence. Our hearts beat in unison. May our glances profoundly penetrate each other. Just tell Me that you love Me and adore Me, also on behalf of others.
You know that you must always gather with Me. Now, here in this silence, you can gather with Me; also, in the quiet of the night, while you are watching. I teach you so you learn and teach others how to gather souls. The will of the soul is love, and love can do everything. You must just desire with all your strength.
May our thoughts be always in unison – to save souls from eternal damnation. Only in this way can you lessen My cruel sorrow. Let that not be boring to you. I have repeated it to you over and over: Suffer with Me.”
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Elizabeth – At this time, He shared with me the precious sorrow of His Soul as a precious gift of His grace.
On another occasion, He said:
Jesus – “Do you know how much My Soul suffers because souls are lost? May our hands gather in unity.”
Elizabeth – “Lord, I am only able to gather so few.”
Jesus – “Make up for this by your desires and your ardent yearnings, My little one, and take refuge in Me with all trust.”
Fast For Souls of Priests
September 28, 1962
Elizabeth – This is a day of fast I am offering for the souls in purgatory, especially the souls of priests. The Lord Jesus said that He could not resist the pleas of the Blessed Virgin. He flooded my mind with the following words:
Jesus – “Because you are appeasing My intense desire for souls, My little one, I will tell you about your reward. Thanks to your fast, from now on the soul of a priest will be freed from purgatory within eight days of his death. And anyone who observes this fast will obtain this grace for a suffering soul.” (Note: If that soul died in a state of grace.)
Elizabeth – These words were filled with such mercy and majesty that I cried because we can so effectively help the souls suffering in purgatory. My heart rejoiced when He told me of this new and great grace. When I left Holy Mass to go home, He whispered in my heart:
Jesus – “I will walk with you and stay with you all day. May our lips pray together to gain mercy from the Eternal Father.”
Elizabeth – With profound adoration, I said: “My most adorable Jesus, to live this grace with You in my soul, and through Your lips, petition the Eternal Father together!” On my way home, my soul was consumed in adoration. Under the effect of grace, my heart beat so much that I almost fainted. I then begged Him: “My adored Jesus, I desire so much that your great grace become known publicly and that more people come to profoundly experience your intimate yearnings.”
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The Lord Jesus asked me to write especially about how we can help souls.
Jesus – “By observing the fast I ask for, priests will be freed from purgatory on the eighth day after their death.”
(The strict fast: for one day, just take bread and water.)
Mature by Sufferings
October 1, 1962
Elizabeth – Today, the Lord Jesus spoke again.
Jesus – “You suffer, do you not? Suffer for Me. This is My gift. You can only receive suffering like this from Me. Whether the suffering is spiritual or bodily, accept it from pure love for Me. You know what I told you: We must go up to Calvary. May our feet journey together. And if you are feeling alone, I permit it only so that you receive merits that you can offer for your faults and for souls consecrated to Me.”
(…) “Do not be concerned about your spiritual father. Trust in Me and abandon yourself to Me. This is the important thing. My little sunflower, turn to Me! I, the divine Sun, am nurturing you through sufferings and sorrows. Do not be frightened by the suffering that frequently comes upon your soul. I do this to get you accustomed to sufferings. By these, we walk together and gather together.”
October 2, 1962
Jesus – “My little Carmelite, your continual sacrifices give witness to your continual fidelity to Me and to My work of Salvation. These make you walk on the path of martyrdom. Do not fear, our feet journey together, and even though you grieve, let us continue walking together. I am giving you abundant graces, My little one, because My Heart overflows with love and prompts Me to be lavish. I fill each of your efforts with graces that are a thousand times greater. Would that many souls loved Me as you do. What great joy I would experience if I could give to many souls the abundant graces which I give to you.”
Elizabeth – “Accept, dear Jesus, the prayer that I say with all my heart, ‘I love You very, very much.’ ”
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Remain in My Work of Redemption
October 4, 1962
Jesus – (…) “You see, the divine Sun turned toward you because you did not turn to Him. You have wasted your word on trifles. Therefore, I speak to you to regain what you did not accomplish. Now, give Me your thoughts. Let us harvest together. We need each drop of oil. Your oil-bearing seeds can only mature and produce abundant fruit in the rays of the divine Sun. Try to serve Me even better. Don’t forget. There should not be even one hair between us. There is much to do and few laborers. With all your strength, remain continually in My redeeming work. You will not be paid less because you came later than those who arrived early. But, naturally, from you I require surrender and faithfulness that must last unto death, because it is the only way you can help from up there also. There, our hands will gather in unity.”
(…) “Do not force Me to raise My sacred hands to curse you. I am love, patience, kindness, understanding, pardon, sacrifice, salvation and eternal life. Do you not desire this? Was My sacred Body crucified, covered with blood, and raised on high in vain? O you blind and heartless, do you not see what I have done for you? Is not your heart moved? Do you not want to walk with Me, and harvest with Me? To have your hearts beat in union with Me? Are not our souls in harmony? Did I open My Heart to you in vain? Would you let My flow of graces be wasted? Do you not want to share My feelings? Do you not want to hear the beating of My humble and kind Heart? Or do you prefer that I shout at you with My voice of thunder: ‘Why are you standing here doing nothing?’ Don’t be delicate and scrupulous. You should stand where I put you, firm and full of the spirit of sacrifice. I arranged everything so I could suffer for you, but you, comfort lovers, show no initiative. You only excuse yourselves and spend your whole life like this. Take upon yourself the Cross that I also have embraced and thus offer yourselves as victims as I have done. Otherwise, you will not have eternal life.
My little sunflower, I know that you listen to My many complaints. In the warmth of your heart, I experience warmth.
I am so lonely.”
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Our Hearts Beat to the Same Rhythm
Jesus – “Let this sublime feeling be a reward for your fidelity. May our souls be in harmony. What happiness this is for Me. Immerse yourself in the ocean of My graces.
I give you this grace because you asked to be immersed in Me. Always ask, My little Carmelite! I am happy to distribute My treasures. You can cash them in at the hour of your death. You might believe that your reward will be as great as your sufferings. Not at all! Human words cannot express what I have prepared for all of you. I await your arrival with a rich gift. My Heart will rejoice at your arrival. Many souls whom you helped to set free from purgatory through your sacrifices will welcome you. They will overflow with joy. Like good friends, they will wait to meet you. Understand that this joy will never end, and let nothing that you must do for My work of Salvation seem tiring to you.
May our glances profoundly penetrate each other. In My eyes bathed with tears and blood, you will see the longing of My Heart for souls. Gather with Me, My little one! I placed in your heart that desire for souls and I will continually increase it, but you must take advantage of every opportunity.”
Ask for Many Spiritual Guides
October 6, 1962
Elizabeth – At Communion, the lack of a spiritual guide weighed again on my soul. The Lord Jesus reprimanded me lovingly.
Jesus – “Be patient, and let the value of your suffering be well obvious to your eyes. I tell you why I leave you without a spiritual guide.
Offer this suffering so there will be many true spiritual guides. I allow you to experience this suffering on behalf of many others. Ask for abundant graces so that there will be many holy confessors. How many souls would come closer to Me if spiritual directors guided souls with more understanding and patience. Let that also be part of your missionary work. Sacrifice much for this. May our hands gather in unity.”
Elizabeth – His voice was gracefully entreating.
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Message to Dispersed Religious
October 11, 1962
Jesus – “My little Carmelite, I want you to write down what I tell you and send it to all those who have a great need to think about their vocation.
Let them offer the real situation – where they are not allowed to engage freely in any apostolic activity – in reparation and for the benefit of souls. For them, this causes great suffering. Tell all those who consecrated their lives to Me, and now, due to the present situation, cannot engage in external activity, to give themselves to a deep spiritual life that will produce great fruits for themselves and for souls.
Today also, I count on their love. I desire it so ardently. Hopefully, they will take notice and listen to My sighs. Help Me to carry My Cross, it is so heavy. Do not leave Me alone. I call you because I need you. Even more, the time and the opportunity have arrived for you to give testimony on My behalf. Do not be lovers of comfort! Look at Me and look at My Cross. What comfort did I permit Myself? Does this not stir you? Or, have you become so accustomed to My goodness that you no longer esteem it? O you who are lukewarm, how can I gain your attention if you have no sensitivity to My immeasurable suffering? You, also, I have nourished in the warmth of My Heart. In spite of your great infidelity, I call to you with love.
You no longer come with confidence. I redeemed you from eternal death. Now, you do not want to live with Me? You are content with the passing things of the earth. Oh, take account of the pain of My Heart which longs for you. You have free will and I want you to come to Me of your own will.
Write, My little Carmelite, write about My dissatisfied sigh! Perhaps, when they read it, their hard hearts will soften. And if they were just a few, you would have done a good job. May our lips pray together the Eternal Father.”
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The Suffering Souls Should Feel the Effect of Grace
October 13, 1962
Elizabeth – Jesus spoke to me for many months but I did not record all the words because I did not always have the means to do it. Today, I was in the quiet of the church. I was praying for dying priests. Moved, the Lord Jesus whispered in my ear:
Jesus – “May our hands gather in unity.”
The Word Became Flesh
October 15, 1962
Elizabeth – The Lord Jesus appealed to me with such sadness... and words that were nearly entreating.
Jesus – “Come, My little one, bow your head towards Me and let us talk about something that is difficult for you. Will the sufferings you do for Me be many?”
Elizabeth – He mentioned one by one all the difficulties I am battling and said:
Jesus – “Do you want to give them up? Do not let the temptations which cause you so much suffering take you away from Me. We suffer together. I, also, was tempted by Satan. You can never be greater than your Master. In your life, you have not yet completed your task.”
Elizabeth – His words penetrated my soul deeply. He promised to give me special strength for every trial and told me to keep trying.
Jesus – “The main thing is to fight continually.”
Elizabeth – Although He spoke of many things, I could not record them all. Experiencing such goodness, my heart was moved. I said to the Lord Jesus: “My Jesus, You know that my soul is ready, but
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my flesh is weak.” He filled my soul with the strength of His grace. Then He spoke to me, just as we humans speak to each other.
Jesus – “You see My riches. I need you and I enrich you. Therefore, may our hands gather in unity since our thoughts are one and our souls are in harmony.
You can see how intimate our prayer is. My little one, when I will be able to speak with many, My complaining words will be less frequent. I ask you to take advantage of every opportunity to ask our heavenly Father that more would know Me. For many, this is not easy, but they will experience difficulty only until they get very close to Me. Once they are beside Me, all will be easy because love makes sacrifices easy to bear.”
Elizabeth – One time, He overwhelmed my soul with His divine splendor. He said many things but I could not record them, except for this:
Jesus – “And the Word became Flesh. Penetrate and live in this sublime mystery which signifies the Redemption of the world.”
Elizabeth – Even though I meditated on these words, I am incapable of expressing them. For months, I meditated only on this mystery, which is an inexhaustible miracle.
Destroyed Families
October 18, 1962
Jesus – “My little one, did I send you many sufferings in these past few days? I implore you, do not grow weary of these great pains. Endure them for your family and those of the whole country. You know that Satan, foaming with rage, wants to destroy families. Let us suffer together. I suffer united to you and you to Me. I love you very much and I will not leave you without sufferings. Embrace suffering. Love only Me, serve Me with fidelity, and do not be surprised that I always manifest My love through sufferings.
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The excessive love of My Heart makes Me consider you worthy of sufferings. This is the only way you can save many souls.
You are a mother of a family and you are aware of the several forms of family disintegration. To save families, throw yourself into the furnace of suffering. Oh, how much sinning is done against Me by destroyed families! Make reparation and suffer for them. Do not lose the least opportunity. May our thoughts be as one. Consider clearly the value of your sufferings. The number of those reaping with Me is so small. Do you know why? Because there are no souls willing to bear sufferings, especially those who would do it steadily. Without it, they cannot merit that I shower My graces on them continuously.”
Elizabeth –While He was speaking to me, I got out my little lunch. On Thursday and Friday, at the Lord’s request, I eat only bread and water, and I offer it for the twelve priests and to make reparation to the Lord. Meanwhile, the Lord sat – in a spiritual way – next to me and said:
Jesus – “Oh, how this pleases Me. So few times have I enjoyed participating in such an intimate banquet. The souls that make reparation and faithfully follow My desires are so few.”
Elizabeth – While we were eating our bread, He allowed me to feel His inner emotions and He breathed His words full of grace into my soul.
Jesus – “May our souls be in harmony. In this way, our hands will gather in unity.”
Elizabeth – We continued to eat our bread and were taken up in our thoughts. He said:
Jesus – “What would I not give to you? Ask! Just ask! I will make up royally for your lunch. I offer the stream of My Heart’s love to all who discover My hand asking for help. (He confided so much about what concerned me.) Now I fill your heart with the feeling of My Divinity. Oh, that we might gather together as much as possible!”
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To Blind Satan
October 19, 1962
(…) To participate in My work of Salvation, you must attract those souls who despise Me and do not understand Me. This is not easy but our hands will gather in unity. Whoever gathers with Me is assured of the results. Although the fruit may not be apparent, you can be sure of it. Ask the Father in My name and He will grant you whatever you ask for on My behalf. Have confidence and always refer to the Flame of Love of My Holy Mother because the Three Divine Persons are obligated to her. Through her you can receive the graces you ask for. She is the Spouse of the Holy Spirit and her love warms up the hearts and souls which have grown cold in the world. Then, waking up with renewed energies, you will be able to rise towards God.”
The Small Sacrifices
October 25, 1962
Elizabeth – While traveling, immersed in Jesus, I was thinking of what I should do to draw closer to His love. The Lord Jesus said:
Jesus – “Do you know how much you please Me? Just embrace My teaching. My insistence has not been in vain. I am truly happy. I just do not understand why you are so ambitious. Why are you not satisfied with the little sacrifices? Why do you not remain small? Do not believe that if you had powers to do great things, you would be a saint sooner. You are mistaken. Great things carry in themselves their own glory and receive their reward right here on earth. May our hands gather in unity. All that we gather together will be of great value, even the smallest things.
For Me, nothing is insignificant. I hold in high esteem all that you do for Me.”
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Dispersed Religious
November 23, 1962
Jesus – “Come, My little one, let us gather the scattered grains of wheat.”
Elizabeth – At first, I did not know what the loving Savior wanted of me. I waited in silence until He made known the meaning of His words. With His pleading voice, He said:
Jesus – “Forgive Me if I now expose before you the well-known pain of My Heart. You know, many souls consecrated to Me have fallen on good soil and produced abundant fruit. Now they are dispersed. They have no greater dream than to give themselves as fodder to the animals. They do not allow themselves to be plucked or ground, but without this, they will never be useful creatures. Oh, how My Heart sorrows for these scattered grains of wheat. My little one, feel the sorrow from which My complaining words spring up. May our souls be in harmony.”
Elizabeth– Explanation – The scattered grains are the religious who produced good fruit but now are scattered due to Communism. Many no longer let themselves be guided by divine grace to live a life of victim and apostle.
November 29, 1962
Jesus – “You see how much I walk with souls but they do not want to perceive Me. They look at Me for a moment. Then, when they see My sad look, they quickly turn their head. Some tell Me: ‘We have compassion for You, but it will wait for another day.’ The vast majority do not even notice.”
Elizabeth – And, broken with grief, He shouted in my soul:
Jesus – “Oh, boundless indifference! My daughter, My Heart stays here with you. Rest a little. You understand Me and try to please Me with all your strength. I plead with you, stay with Me. Oh, this abandonment, and being despised. Relieve My sufferings with your frequent presence.”
Elizabeth – “O adored Jesus, I am fragile. My soul desires You much but my body’s tiredness obliges me to leave You.” I looked at my watch, the three hours were coming to an end. The Lord Jesus said:
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Jesus – “I grasp your hands. I will go with you. May our feet journey together.”
Elizabeth – We did not stop our conversation. He continued to complain about His abandonment and again pleaded:
Jesus – “Do not leave Me alone, My little one. Through My sufferings, I bind you now more tightly to Myself.”
May Our Glances Profoundly
Penetrate Each Other
January 14, 1963
Elizabeth – Earlier, the Lord Jesus again strengthened me with an amazing grace. He does not make me feel His presence, but He looks at me and accompanies me with the penetrating gaze of His eyes. He said:
Jesus – “My little one, take courage and gaze at Me. May our eyes look at each other and our glances profoundly penetrate each other.”
Elizabeth – I had never experienced this wonderful glance which now accompanies my soul. It helped me to win a great victory over the terrible temptations of the Evil One. The Lord Jesus said:
Jesus – “Take courage. Look at Me. Always look into My eyes because in this new battle that Satan wants to wage against you, the look of My eyes will blind him. This will not happen quickly because I allow you to be tempted. May our glances profoundly penetrate each other.”
Elizabeth – When these things happened, I was crying and sobbing for my sins. Meanwhile, my soul became light and pure. I asked the Lord: “Adorable Jesus, what do You sense now?” In response to my question, He made me feel that He welcomes everyone in this way so they repent of their sins.
Jesus – “My little one, work hard so that many sinners come to Me. Cry and repent for their sins also.”
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A Penetrating Glance
Elizabeth – At the dawn prayer, while I was meditating, I saw again the penetrating glance of the Lord’s eyes. The desire of His Heart that He shared with me a while ago, He now asked me for it and not through words, but through the penetrating gaze of His eyes. Oh, these eyes! My bodily eyes cannot withstand His glance. I shut my eyes tightly. Trembling, I could hardly look. The look of His eyes is like a flash of lightning which lights up everything. It penetrated my whole being and I saw all my hidden sins. I cried for hours without stopping. “My sins! Oh, my sins!” I whispered while moaning. While that was happening, the sorrow in my heart for my sins was greater than I had ever experienced it. Meanwhile, the penetrating glance of His eyes rested upon me. This is an unbearable brightness. The Lord said:
Jesus – “May our glances profoundly penetrate each other.”
Elizabeth – “I, a sinner, a very great sinner! Yet, the glance of my sinful eyes will be one with the glance of Your divine eyes? Not just my eyes, but according to Your desire, the eyes of everyone.”
The Lord Jesus said:
Jesus – “May the gaze of he who walks and harvests with Me meld into mine.”
Don’t Leave Me Alone
February 10, 1963
Elizabeth – I hurried to come into His presence and began to pray the Little Office of the Virgin. I wanted to finish before it got dark. Besides, I started to feel cold. I did not spend much time in prayer because our church is very cold and made out of cement. However, the Lord Jesus, almost begging me, insisted that I stay.
Jesus – “Do not leave Me now. I am alone and without consolation. Oh, how often I am alone!”
Elizabeth – He asked:
Jesus – “Tell Me, since I have been sharing My house with you and I have granted you entry at any time, when you came to Me, have you ever encountered anybody in My house?”
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Elizabeth – With my head down, I tried to remember. “No one, Lord! During this time, I saw no one.” This sadness broke my heart. He continued to ask.
Jesus – “You see why I say, ‘Do not leave Me alone!’ Let Me give you abundant graces which are stored up in the immeasurable love of My Heart. May our souls be in harmony. May our hearts beat in unison. Draw many souls to Me. May our hands gather in unity. When you also are abandoned, I will never abandon you, I will be with you in every difficult situation. Besides, today I will accompany you with the penetrating glance of My eyes.”
Elizabeth – “My adorable Jesus… give me Your grace so I can withstand Your penetrating glance.” His love so fascinated me that the cold and the tiredness ceased. Only His sad request filled my soul.
Great Suffering
April 21, 1963
Elizabeth –The Lord Jesus said:
Jesus – “Do you know the greatest suffering? To be misunderstood. This is the greatest torment. This will also be the sorrow of your soul, even until death. I endured it also during My entire life. You should not be greater than I, My little one. May our souls be in harmony and our lips beg together our heavenly Father.”
Elizabeth – Suffering keeps my soul in great dryness. During these moments, suffering seems senseless and even slightly dull.
Jesus – “I must give you a gentle reproach. How hard it is for you to comprehend the value and the meaning of your sufferings! Suffering is truly meritorious only if the soul accepts it with a full self-giving.”
Elizabeth – “You know, my Jesus, what You are asking is beyond me. My soul seeks continuously to serve You, but my body is in continual battle. In spiritual dryness, I can never see God’s Holy Will clearly.”
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I Call All
May 24, 1963
Elizabeth – I was praying for a soul who had not gone to confession for decades. I learned that this person was seriously ill. One day, we got the news she had already received the anointing of the sick. “My adored Jesus, thank You for Your infinite mercy.” He replied:
Jesus – “Trust. I have always told you that whatever you ask for in confidence, consider you have already received it. Do you think that if you asked Me for souls, I would not grant them to you? May our hands gather in unity. Ask! Never grow tired of asking and desiring for Me. If large numbers were asking, how many would be converted. All of you have been called to My work of Salvation, fathers and mothers, learned and ignorant, the well and the sick. All can work for Me, the free man and the one suffering in prison. What is important is the availability of the soul and the spiritual freedom which constitutes the culture of the soul. Especially the sick, yes, in truth, these can fly on the wings of absolute trust in Me. With a single request, they can obtain a massive conversion of souls.”
Light of My Eyes
July 9, 1963
Elizabeth – During my nighttime adoration, I made reparation and asked Him to cover us with His Precious Blood. Before I left, I asked for His blessing. In an emotional strain, the Lord Jesus said:
Jesus – “May our feet journey together.”
Elizabeth – On the road, I said, “You are the apple of my eyes.” (In Hungarian: “You are the light of my eyes.”) He allowed me to feel the exultant joy of His Heart. He said:
Jesus – “You have not said this to Me for a long time. I never tire of hearing it. One cannot grow tired of love. Do you find yourself bored if I say the same thing often?”
Elizabeth –His last words were:
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Jesus – “My little one, I love you very much. Many are without light. I want to enlighten them with My Flame of Love so that they understand the importance of the work of Salvation.”
Elizabeth – In the Sanctuary of Mariaremete, the Blessed Virgin said:
Virgin Mary – “You must go to the bishop.”
Elizabeth –Then she warned me to be cautious.
Cleanse Your Soul
August 10, 1963
Elizabeth – When I went to Holy Mass on Sunday, I noticed a dress with an interesting design and wanted to examine it more closely. The Lord Jesus admonished me.
Jesus – “Hold back your gaze. Am I not enough to look at? May our glances profoundly penetrate each other.”
August 13, 1963
Elizabeth – While helping to clean the chapel, I said with joy, “I am here, sweet Jesus.” He replied:
Jesus – “What a good time we are going to have!”
Elizabeth – The next day, with a dust cloth in my hand, I knelt before Him and asked:
“As I am now preparing for confession, please cleanse my soul of dust so that I see Your Holy Will more clearly and be more worthy to serve You.”
Later, on the trolley, I also spoke with Him, thinking how clean His house was now. He surprised me in my thoughts.
Jesus – “I also would be happy if the soul of those who belong to My house would have so little dust and be as clean as My holy house is now.”
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Elizabeth – I asked Him, “Is it not that way?” By a painful sentence, He let me know about it.
Jesus – “Unfortunately, no.”
Elizabeth – I was very emotional and thought about the sorrow in His words. Instead of speaking, the Lord Jesus breathed on my soul.
Jesus – “May our souls be in harmony.”
August 17, 1963
Elizabeth – During lunch, it was very difficult to make my meal tasteless. So, I decided to eat one half and to make tasteless the other half. Our Lord sadly observed.
Jesus – “I accepted sufferings without a thought and I saved you from all your sins, not just from some. Do not be stingy. May our hands gather in unity. Give Me your oily seeds and they will become more fruitful and more filled. Only your full commitment will squeeze the drops of oil from them.”
I Am Going to Look for Hearts
September 1, 1963 – Monday
Elizabeth – Today is my fast day for the priestly souls. The Savior has asked me to fast each Monday on bread and water to free a priest soul from purgatory. Although the fast weakens me, I can do my housework and help with the children. After dark, when I finished my work, I went to the Lord Jesus. My union with Him was unexpectedly disturbed by a problem I was feeling.
I had to leave the Lord Jesus. On the way home, He said:
Jesus – “I’ll wait for you at home. When you arrive, I will be in our little dwelling.”
Elizabeth – I was very emotional and I ate my little dinner of bread in His presence. The Lord Jesus was there with me. Although I did not see Him, the feeling of His presence assured me. My great tiredness did not allow me to kneel up straight for a long time. With infinite goodness, Jesus said:
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Jesus – “Rest now. I will stay with you a few more minutes. Feel My blessed presence and the pain of My Heart that I share with you. May our hearts beat in unison.”
Elizabeth – I broke forth in tears. This increased my sorrow for sins. Who would not cry in the presence of such goodness and kindness? In the silence, He remained next to me and then left.
Jesus – “Rest in peace. I am going to look for hearts.”
Elizabeth – As I felt His presence leaving me, I called to Him, “Where are You going, my adored Jesus?” He answered me with a troubled voice.
Jesus – “I am just going. First, I visit the souls consecrated to Me and offer them My graces again and again.”
The Dusty Altar
December 22, 1963
Elizabeth – While immersed in His infinite goodness, I was cleaning the chapel. In my joy, I thanked Him for being in His presence today for so long a time. He told me that He also felt the same joy. Meanwhile, He began to complain. When I started to clean behind and at the foot of the high altar, – which for so many years had not been cleaned, and where the layer of dust was as thick as a finger and my white work blouse became grey – the Lord Jesus made this bitter complaint:
Jesus – “You see, such is the soul that recollects before My altar but which, for years, has not kept itself clean. It does not look within, it comes into My presence out of habit. It also comes before Me with a layer of dust as thick as a finger on its soul.”
Elizabeth – He then allowed me to see a priest that He had pointed out to me once before, and He asked me to suffer for him because He strongly desired this priest to come in His presence. He constantly avoids the reason why he was chosen by God. At that time, I was overwhelmed, and to this day I am still quite moved. Now I continue where I left off.
Jesus – “Indeed, you would not have suspected the existence of a thick layer of grey dust behind My altar. You also only clean the surface. Now you can see why I complain so much of souls
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consecrated to Me. They come before My altar, but their souls are grey and dusty. Not looking within themselves, they see only the outside beauty. Just as your white gown became grey, so by their bad example they soil many, many souls. And they do not even realize it! They should not admire themselves as they do not look at the splendid altar in their soul. They look beyond and over it. They avoid what is difficult, and as the years go on, their soul becomes grey and covered with dust. Woe to them, because through example, they influence others.
From the one who knows little, little will be asked; they know a lot, however they consider themselves satisfied with the knowledge, they do not feel with Me. They do not care – as I already told you – to leave Me only a few crumbs. Of course, for each crumb received, I only give one crumb back. They are only giving Me what they no longer need in their life. Yet, they think that for the crumb that they threw to Me, they are entitled to something in return. I very much love small sacrifices, the tiny crumbs, provided that the one who gives them is not proud. I am pleased with the humble soul, and even if the sacrifice offered is very insignificant, they will receive a great reward. But I demand the effort.
My little one, I return to the subject of dust where My reflection started. The world is an altar covered with a layer of dust like this one. I am the victim. Moreover, you raise your eyes up to Me, you see My splendor and rejoice over its beauty, you take advantage of My kindness, but you do not even think that behind all that, there is an ocean of suffering. You simply savor only the good that is offered to you, but it does not even come to your mind that you should respond in turn.
You see, this is the pain of My Heart. May our thoughts be as one. Oh, I have complained much, but do not be depressed about that. A shared grief is half a grief. However, I also share joy with you. Even sharing in My sorrow becomes a joy for you because in doing so, I grant you My divine confidence. Tell Me, little sister, can you understand this? Perhaps not? This is of little importance. I just desire that our hearts beat in unison! The mind cannot comprehend as readily as a compassionate heart does, being constantly enlightened by the splendor of sacrifice.
The light dims down for whoever remains in the dust, as he cannot see the grief in My Heart. Let both of us implore the heavenly Father on behalf of those dusty souls.”
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Some Light Footsteps
January 19, 1964 – Sunday
Elizabeth – Today, I attended only one Holy Mass. My old chilblains on my feet began to bother me again, keeping me away from the evening Holy Mass and I couldn’t do the evening adoration either. I thought that I should rest today. So, I spent the afternoon and evening in my little warm house, doing minor tasks. At some point, I went out into the garden, and immediately, I heard some light footsteps on top of the icy snow. I looked around thinking it must be a small hungry animal looking for food, and I went on walking a few more steps. Then suddenly the presence of the Lord filled my soul. I was startled because He allowed me to feel that He was present next to me. My whole body was shaking under the effect of the graces emanating from Him. My physical strength abandoned me so much that I almost collapsed. It is only hesitantly that I was able to take a few steps.
Many times now, the Lord has surprised me with His presence, but this time went beyond all the previous ones. My body shook as never before until now. I did not see and I do not know how, nevertheless I perceived the touch of His garment. It was like an extraordinary breath of graces filling my heart with the feeling of God’s presence. All this happened in the garden covered with snow. When I returned to my tiny dwelling, I realized how long I had been gone. Afterward, the Lord Jesus began to speak kindly to me.
Jesus – “You know, I was alone, and since you were not coming, I came to you. I rejoice to be with you. I am grateful for the number of times you think about Me. Oh, how it pleases Me when you meditate on My Precious Blood with such devotion and when you make reparation and adore Me. I gather that it is only fair on My part to honor you in this particular fashion.
Oh, the loneliness! The loneliness and coldness are surrounding me constantly. That is why I stay close to you now. I do not disturb your rest, I am here with you in silence. May our hearts beat in unison. Keep on doing what you are doing. I will stay with you for quite some time because… what would I do all by Myself. No one comes to worship Me, or to make reparation, or to ask, or to give thanks. I know that you never miss without a valid reason. You never have any unjustified absence. My Elizabeth, I am giving you the gift of My Divinity. Hold Me close to your heart because I also
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have human feelings. I wanted to give you as a reward the sacred surge that you felt just now, as a sign of My gratitude towards you.”
The Few Workers
February 8, 1964 – First Saturday
Jesus – “Look around and check. Who is gathering with Me?”
Elizabeth – What He taught me during my work is interesting. He showed me a very strange surface which was rotating, and irrespective of where I looked, I could only see this surface. I saw countless souls in expanses impossible to take in at a single glance. Those souls were suffering in body and soul. The Lord Jesus pointed out:
Jesus – “I am showing you this so you see how abundant the harvest is. You, My beloved, you, My great collaborator, may our hands gather in unity. Continue working for the salvation of souls. This vision that I laid before your eyes shows you who is gathering with Me. Do you see how great is the harvest and how scarce are the workers? This shows you why you must dedicate all your strength to your mission. Isn’t it that you now feel an acute pain in your soul? Accept it wholeheartedly! For a time, this pain will remove the exhausting afflictions from the devil, which I could see were wearing you down.
Gather with Me, Elizabeth. I have few laborers despite the great rewards I keep offering. Those volunteering their services are few. Be My good worker, go beyond what is asked.”
The Temptation of the Evil One
February 17, 1964
Elizabeth – During the day, the Lord Jesus said:
Jesus – “May our thoughts be as one! Love this prayer I taught you, so that having recourse to its words, which your soul needs at this precise moment, you can find the necessary strength in all circumstances.
Believe, My daughter! Let nothing lead you to abandon your goal! Your faith and confidence in Me will save you. Without faith and confidence, you are really very weak. This is why I chose you to be
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the instrument of our heavenly messages, so that the world will see how prevailing is the divine will that wants to be manifested only through the weak.
I do not change the order of nature nor do I suspend it in your circumstances. I act according to My divine wisdom and the necessity of the Cause. The temptations of the Evil One, by which he disturbs your soul and mind, must not deviate you from the road of faith and confidence in Me. Although you feel so weak, that is not an impediment, because neither the manifestation of your weakness nor your constant effort will bring our Cause to a successful conclusion. Your humility is the only instrument in your hands that helps the Cause to succeed.”
In Place of Others
February 20, 1964
Elizabeth – A bad flu still tortures me. It has now attacked the cavities of my eyes and my face. During the night, I found myself in such a state that I could only spend a half hour with the Lord Jesus. I was struck by fever again. In the morning, I felt better. My heart was beating strongly when I prostrated myself before Him. I wanted to tell Him so many things, but He preceded me.
Jesus – “Welcome, My little one. I greet you!”
Elizabeth – He allowed me to feel the beating of His Heart, which is well known to me. The silence that filled my soul was interrupted by the Lord Jesus.
Jesus – “Be indulgent! Once again, I will bring you My complaints. In this moment, may our hearts beat in unison and our thoughts be as one. Today and tomorrow (it was the day preceding the first Friday) will be good days for Me.
I look forward to these special days when people offer Me reparation. In these days, graces pour out like a refreshing dew descending upon dry and dark souls. Yourself, you must only want to, as for the rest leave it to Me. Results do not matter. What makes someone a saint, what saves, and what keeps the person close to Me is the continual desire of the will. That also makes your soul beautiful. Again, I say that I will have a good day because I see your good will. I am without pretense and easy to please. If you do not
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succeed, it matters little, providing you are willing to try again unceasingly. This effort dispels My pain.
I know that you are not bothered by My complaints because our souls are in harmony. You also, do as I do, assure Me of your constant love that the blazing fire of your continual acceptance of sacrifices keeps burning. It is of little importance to Me what you can do on a certain day or how much you can accomplish, only do not take a break, because that would cause Me great sorrow. So often I am sad because souls make Me feel that the burden I place upon them is heavy. You, the joy of My Heart, never tire of hearing My complaints. Even this gives Me rest. Console Me in place of the others.”
Sublime Vocation of Mothers
February 29, 1964
Elizabeth – “My adored Jesus, accept me the way I am.”
Jesus – “You also accept Me with My disheveled and sticky hair, My beaten body, stripped of its clothing, My hands and feet pierced by the nails, My opened wound on My side.”
Elizabeth – Somehow, He made me meditate with Him on His sad words, and then said:
Jesus – “Wrap Me with your love that gathers My Precious Blood flowing from the wound on My side. Contemplate Me! Contemplate Me! During your lifetime, have you ever seen such a pitiable creature? Do you see how I became a wreck? You can never do too much for Me. Just as our hearts beat in unison, so may our thoughts be as one.
Write down again My teaching which corroborates the teaching of the Holy Father. We have not yet meditated on that, but it is very important. Should you have forgotten about this, then I want to remind you.”
Elizabeth – The Lord was speaking about what I first wrote on May 24, 1963. After writing it, I never thought of it. Since the doubts in my heart were very great at the time, I never dared to read it again. Now, the Lord Jesus made me record it.
Jesus – “For My work of Redemption, I have great need of all of you.”
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Elizabeth – I was hanging on His words. It is as if I were barely able to put them in any order in my thoughts. When He mentioned my person and spoke of my work as something important destined to complement the work of the Holy Father, doubts emerged in my soul. The Lord, with gentle words, continued speaking.
Jesus – “What I am saying now is for you and all mothers who work according to My Heart. Your work is not of less value than that of persons raised to the highest priestly dignity. Mothers of families, you must understand your sublime vocation to populate My Kingdom and to fill the places left vacant by the fallen angels. Each step of My Holy Mother the Church starts from your heart and your lap. My Kingdom grows inasmuch as you, mothers, nurture the created souls. You have the greatest work requiring a heightened sense of responsibility. Be fully aware that I have placed in your hands the task of leading a multitude of souls to eternal salvation.”
True God and True Man
March 6, 1964 – Friday
Elizabeth – Prostrating myself before Him, my soul breathed words of profound humility that He aroused in me. “Blessed be God! Blessed be His Holy Name! Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man.” He did not let me continue.
Jesus – “Your homage pleases Me, My little one, but I will explain the words, ‘True God and true Man.’ If this were not true, how could you come closer to Me? I let Myself be known to you as true God and true Man. Not only you, but all those who eat My Body and drink My Blood. As true God, I penetrate your heart and as true Man, I speak to you because My human Heart beats at the same rhythm as My Divinity. Your heart beats to the same rhythm as My Heart. Do you know what this means? It means that you participate in My Divinity.
All who feel with Me and whose thoughts are My thoughts will receive this participation. Whoever lives this way can only bless. This blessing increases the effect of My work of Redemption. This effect makes you saints. You see, this blessing is an eternal circular movement between Heaven and earth. Your sacrifices unceasingly rise up to Me and I shower My abundant graces upon you and upon all who dedicate themselves for the glory of My Holy Name. Patient, persevering love never blunders.”
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The Presence of the Evil One
March 17, 1964
Elizabeth – Due to the cold weather, I spent a few days with my daughter. I had just returned to my little house two days ago and I was enjoying the happiness of my quiet solitude. Abruptly, the door opened. I looked outside and sensed the presence of the Evil One. With a mocking smile, he said:
Satan – “I have come to visit you and to see how you are doing.”
Elizabeth –That is all he said. His paucity of words surprised me. At other times, he would torture me for hours. Now he could not do this because his power was stripped away and he was blind. He was close to me but deprived of his diabolical power. In fact, he was forced to remain close.
“Is it true that you have no power to harm me?” (I said this because on one occasion after he hit me, the Blessed Virgin said: “He will not be able to do this anymore.”)
Then I answered his question concerning what I will do here in my quiet solitude:
“I will have more opportunity to adore God. I want to serve Him for all those whom you have turned aside from this road. Even if it pains you to have to hear this, I will make reparation to the Lord Jesus for the many times that I offended the God of infinite majesty and mercy when I was influenced by you. He is so merciful that He forgives every repentant sinner. If you would get rid of your stubborn pride, recognize God’s majesty and power, and repent of your perversity, He would pardon you, also. But because you hold onto your stupid pride, you must suffer. But the time will soon come when you will be blind and stripped of your power. As much as it pains you to hear this, it is true.”
The Evil One had to hear my answer. He suffered from his lack of power. The Lord Jesus allowed me to experience that the powers of the humiliated Evil One were gone. Then he disappeared without a trace. Neither his presence nor his departure awakened any fear in me. The Lord was present, and the Evil One must have felt it.
Then Jesus said:
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Jesus – “And now, let us be immersed in sweet solitude. May our thoughts be as one, our hands gather in unity and our hearts beat in unison. In this way, we will rest.”
Your Head on My Heart
March 18, 1964
Jesus – “For now, I will not say much, just this: Those who truly love each other need only a few words to show their love, and their hearts already beat to the same rhythm. Place your head on My Heart and let this nearness fill you with strength for your future battles. I do not want to console you because you suffer from joy, and whoever suffers from joy does not want to be consoled. I give you My divine strength, you certainly need it. The sacrifice that I await from many is made only by a few. This translates into a setback for My work of Redemption.”
March 21, 1964
Elizabeth – After some difficult days of fasting, the Lord Jesus gave fresh life to my soul. I began to eat but I took no pleasure. A long time ago, the Lord had asked me to abstain from food for the pleasure it provides, but to take it only for my body's nourishment. My children provide me with an abundance of food. I always take what they previously gave me and do not eat what they recently cooked. At lunch, the Lord Jesus assured me of His presence and said:
Jesus – “Think of Me, My little sister. How rare it is that a fresh soul has come to Me which, rather than having had a taste of sin, had a taste of Me. May our souls be in harmony. Offer this to Me. Taking your food without any taste is a sacrifice from your heart which is tasty for Me. In this way, our hands gather in unity. Is it not true that you also find this wonderful?”
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Our Eyes and Our Gazes
March 22, 1964 – Sunday
Elizabeth – I was kneeling before the tabernacle in the chapel dedicated to the Holy Spirit. The Lord Jesus said:
Jesus – “Look into My eyes! I allow our eyes to look at one another and our gazes to be as one. Do not see anything else. Read in My tearful eyes that I rest on you the anxious desire of My love. Make reparation! This is the only consolation you can give Me. I, the Man-God eager for your hearts, I need your consolation.”
Patience, Perseverance and Fidelity
April 6, 1964
Elizabeth – He spoke about His teaching, about persevering patience and fidelity.
Jesus – “Patience, perseverance and fidelity, Elizabeth. That’s what keeps you close to Me. And by these means, you can also bring others to Me. The reward of your tireless fidelity for you and for all who share in My work will be what eye has never seen, ear has never heard, and the human mind cannot comprehend. Then our glances will melt in one another and our hearts will beat to the same rhythm.”
Your Master Cares For You
April 14, 1964
Elizabeth – When I arrived home and went into my small room, the Lord Jesus was waiting for me.
Jesus – “I wait for you here, and at each genuflection that you make with adoration and thanksgiving, My Heart beats with joy. By continual repentance, your soul always remains alive. I implore you, Elizabeth, do this in place of the others also. As you see, I am honoring you again. At your request, I come to bless your family and
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the whole neighborhood. I have brought My peace. Trust! Do not give way to discouragement! I unite your sufferings to My merits. Your children’s salvation is assured. I will stay here because I enjoy the silence of your small room. Our hearts beat to the same rhythm. Without you, it is difficult to suffer, and I know that you feel the same. Oh, happy moment! I know that you also hope for the moment when nothing will separate us anymore. I wait for you with all My riches. We will be totally one, indivisibly. I know your heart is beating with joy and I rejoice with you. Your Master takes care of you. If you stumble, My hand will raise you immediately. Your constant repentance obliges Me to pour out upon you My constant pardon.”
Look Into My Eyes
June 29, 1964
Elizabeth – In the morning, when I knelt before the tabernacle, I could only say an ejaculatory prayer to the Lord Jesus, because He interrupted my words.
Jesus – “My Elizabeth! Oh, how much I waited for you! This loneliness is so long. I knew that our ‘goodbye’ last night would lead you to be the first to greet Me today. You fill My soul with happiness. You and I, we two! I delight to be with the children of men. Unfortunately, I am welcomed only by few.
My little sunflower! Do you know what you are receiving from Me now? I give you an increased measure of My love, which until now has been unknown. I promised you this. Accepting it demands a very great sacrifice. Because I am pleased with you, I put this before you. By this extraordinary sacrifice, you can also prove your great love. You and I! Because of our union, joy fills your heart. I know that you give Me thanks untiringly. I see also the thoughts that distract you. Do not be concerned about that. Look at the plants in your garden, they always climb and try to reach higher. Their flowers wither quickly but soon new ones open up. The withering of the flower does not show its uselessness because the chalice of withered flowers contains the fertile seed which reproduces the plant.
You understand, do you not? If there were no battle, what would then give value to things? Always try to go higher. Don’t feel sorry for the withered chalices in your flowers.
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Unite your thoughts with Me so our hearts can beat in unison. Do not look to the right or the left. Look only into My eyes. That will invite you to be recollected and help you to obtain the victory for the success of My work of Redemption. Thank you, Elizabeth! Your understanding love touches the deepest part of My Heart, because My divine Heart also feels with human affection.”
Elizabeth – “My Lord Jesus! Now that You have placed Your divine words in my heart, allow me to thank You especially for the extraordinary sufferings, and for the kindness and love with which You want to honor me, and that You did not make me feel until now. Your words, my adored Jesus, have stunned me, especially when You said, ‘You and I.’ You have reversed the order. Your unlimited condescension has confused me and my face has turned red. How can You do this to me who am small and nothing?”
When He saw that I was getting carried away with thanksgiving, instead of speaking, He flooded my heart with the love of His understanding Heart.
Love Me Above All Things
August 22, 1964
Elizabeth – For several days, because of many family duties, I could not go near Him for the evening hour of adoration and reparation. Sighing, the Lord Jesus said:
Jesus – “May our feet journey together. I follow you, and you follow My footsteps. I love you much, My Elizabeth. I want this love to penetrate your soul deeply. I, the Lord, make this confession and I anxiously desire your reciprocal love.”
Elizabeth – Later, He almost shouted in my soul.
Jesus – “Love Me above everything! Your love filled with repentance intoxicates Me, little sister. Desire with ardor that the repentant love of other souls also intoxicate Me. Your desire is not without fruit.”
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What Do You Prefer?
August 30, 1964
Elizabeth – During my little chores on Sunday afternoon, a newspaper fell into my hands. I began to read an article on Spanish customs. After I read a few words, the Lord Jesus said:
Jesus – “I have reserved you totally for Me and you have accepted this by repeating on many occasions your surrender to Me. Now, despite all this, you prefer this reading that distracts you. This is not good, My Elizabeth. May be you do not receive all what you need from Me? Why do you want to know more than you need for your eternal salvation? I do not demand this from others with such strictness, but you are My preferred one. You did not make yourself worthy. I, God, thought you worthy of your call. Even one instant is too much for you to be occupied with something else. My love does not rest. May our thoughts be as one!”
You are Not Alone
January 25, 1966
Elizabeth – Coming back home that night, I got off the bus. Because I could hardly walk on the icy snow, a depressing loneliness came over me. Looking around, the other passengers were rapidly dispersing. Most of them had companions. I was fearful of walking on the dark and icy road. On setting out, the Lord Jesus surprised me, first only with His words and then with His increasingly felt presence. He asked me:
Jesus – “Tell Me, little sister, why do you consider yourself alone since I am the One leading you? Have no fear, I will not let go of you. Come, let us go together and let there be no other moment when you would feel alone.”
Elizabeth – As He spoke, the feeling of His presence grew ever stronger in my soul. He kept speaking.
Jesus – “Elizabeth, a long time ago, when you did not think of Me, I was always there. I kept you from falling on the icy and slippery road of life. At that time, you did not believe that I was protecting you from so many falls. Still, it was like this because I was watching closely each footstep you were taking. My loved one, just your
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thinking that you are alone hurts Me. Our souls are in harmony and our thoughts are in unison. Reject every idea that you are alone, this is impossible between us. It would hurt Me very much if you still think this way. Don’t ever have such thoughts again. The beating of My Heart echoes in yours and if you are alone, you will hear it even more. You see how the suffering becomes immediately burdensome if for one instant you do not think about Me. I know this very well. This is the eternal guarantee of My love. Now, I ask you, do you want anything?”
Elizabeth – “…Yes, I do. Before all else, I desire souls for You! I want all the souls to possess God, You, infinitely good and merciful Love.” Meanwhile, I was immersed in Him. He breathed silently in my soul.
Jesus – “Thank you, Elizabeth! This is what I expected from you. I see that My grace does not fall in vain upon your soul.”
Seeing The Road
April 9, 1966
Elizabeth – While adoring the Lord at the altar of repose (of Good Friday), I pondered the great torment that He suffered for me. The Lord, with a silent sigh, began to speak.
Jesus – “Look, the Word became Flesh.”
Elizabeth – No matter what I tried, I was not able to grasp the significance. The Lord Jesus drew my attention to this reality. “Even now, adorable Jesus, I cannot grasp this miracle.” The Lord Jesus continued:
Jesus – “I am not surprised, My little one. I reassure you, no one has understood this great miracle until now except My Mother; for to understand it, it is necessary to accept suffering also. It is only through suffering that the soul can understand the great miracle of the Incarnation of the Word. Through the consummation of the sacrifice, will be clarified in your soul what I did for you, for all.”
Elizabeth – “O adorable Jesus, You have made these profound thoughts very clear to me. My divine Master, I cannot understand. I have the feeling that it is only through the sorrow for my sins that I can thank You. I have no other words to say, nor any request to make, except pronounce the words of the Good Thief: ‘Lord,
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remember me when You come into Your Kingdom.’” As I was praying the Lord Jesus, the Blessed Virgin said:
Virgin Mary – “Yes, my little Carmelite, address yourselves with a repentant soul to my Divine Son and to me whenever you think of the Kingdom of my Divine Son, and that you do everything so it would come for you all. For this reason, I want my Flame of Love to overflow upon the earth so all can see the road that leads to the Kingdom of my Divine Son.”
Elizabeth – Then the Lord Jesus spoke again.
Jesus – “I say to you what I said to the Good Thief: The day of your death you will be with Me in Paradise. You neither, you may not sigh more for Me than I for you, given that our hearts beat in unison.
Listen to the beating of My Heart resounding in yours.”
Elizabeth – Immediately after writing these lines, I knelt down. The beating of His Heart forced me to kneel and I couldn’t keep on writing.
Divine Mysteries
April 19, 1966
Jesus – “Do you wonder how you can see and comprehend the divine mysteries with so much clarity? Only can see them is the one whose sight is one with My divine gaze, and whose thought is one with My thoughts.
My Elizabeth, many of the divine mysteries you’ve been experiencing on account of my divine clarity in periods of ecstasy, strengthen you across the suffering that you must bear for the salvation of souls. I know you suffer with joy and I will continually strengthen your availability for sacrifices since I know you will need it and those I have sent you to, with respect to our holy communications. You must make sacrifices on their behalf. That’s why I often repeat this so it may become your continually renewed prayer.”
