I ask for prayers for the conversion of my husband, Brian Lepkowski, back to the catholic faith. We got married in a Catholic Church in 2011. His uncle is a catholic priest. He was raised Catholic, but does not believe.
The last several years, since the pandemic, I have grown in my prayer life and have grown closer to God and to our Blessed Mother. I have been ordering Masses for Brian's conversion, I pray the rosary and fast for the intention. Offer my masses for him, and I have faith in God, but I feel like I am being persecuted and attacked within my home and at times it is hard to bare. I tell myself it is not him, it is the evil one, but nonetheless it hurts so much.
I feel like this email came just in time, as the Holy Mother knows how much this has been hurting me, So thank you for sending this email, so I could share my pain that I internalize.
I get attacked for praying, trying to go to mass on the 1st Saturdays and for simply going on Sundays and holy days of obligations.
Any advice or prayers you can offer are much appreciated.
May God Bless you