2024 International Congress
2024 International Congress
In consultation with many of our leaders from many different parts of the world, we have made Singapore our final choice for the 2024 International Congress. Once we have confirmation from Singapore that they can accept and that the proposed facility is available, Győző will issue the formal announcement with the final dates. The start date will likely be March 1 (arrival) and will end somewhere between March 6 and March 8.
One of several activities at the Congress will be the election of a new International Coordinator. What you may not know is that the process to do so is not defined in the Statutes. In all the previous elections, Father Rona suggested who he thought would be best and everyone agreed! The Movement is MUCH larger now and Father Rona is no longer with us (on Earth) and so we must define the process. We have assembled a team to do so consisting of Győző, Father Jorge Reyes (Continental Coordinator for the Americas), Dr. Nicolas Ngadjui (Continental Coordinator for Africa), Anita Torres (a long serving National Coordinator in Ecuador who worked closely with Father Rona), and myself. Since this team has a lot of experience in International Congresses, I also asked them for a proposed agenda and guidelines for the Congress. I would like to share them with you and ask for your input as well.
The election
Directing countries to the Statutes so that we are all more conformant
Set goals for the Movement for the next 3-5 years
Perhaps review and revise the statutes as we have outgrown them – this will be a large undertaking that will require much pre-planning- perhaps at the Congress we can identify those portions that are outdated and suggest changes to be discussed, defined, and ratified at a later date. Perhaps these be presented in advance so they are ready for discussion.
Presentation from Cardinal Goh
The Congress has historically been 6 days
No other outside speakers
Questions, Answers, Suggestions, Recommendations – these should be pre-advertised so they can be discussed rather than just introduced at the Congress
History of the Movement in Hungary, Europe, Latin America
A review of the resolutions of previous Congresses
Some review of the state of the Movement worldwide and in the various countries – very short presentations because we have so many nations
We must schedule plenty of free time for ad hoc smaller meetings and fellowship for people to get to know each other
Daily Mass, Adoration, Prayer
In a subsequent meeting with some of our leaders who are not under a Continental Coordinator, the following additional topics and recommendations were proposed:
A discussion on the roles of National Coordinators and other leaders
Discuss the distinction between the Apostolate and the Flame of Love
In a Religious Order convention there is the election of the new superior, review of Statutes and an action plan to advance both globally and locally.
How do we have an "ice breaker" for people when we gather at the International Congress. We can have teams from other countries to help with different aspects, e.g., liturgy team, social activities. We may want to front end the Congress with prayer and social activities to get to know each other.
Have time for regional meetings - Continental Meetings
There needs to be a strong sense of family among us.
The agenda is NOT finalized. I share it with you in order to ask you for any topics, ideas, and thoughts you may have. We are in the planning stages now so this is the time to voice them. Please feel free to send them to me
Please pray for the election committee and the Singapore Flame of Love as we prepare for this truly watershed International Congress - one where we hope all six continents will be represented and powerfully demonstrate to the world and to the Vatican that our Blessed Mother is lighting the Flame of Love of her Immaculate Heart everywhere.
Peace and great Joy
John Sullivan III
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